Show 'n Shine 2022

Show 'n Shine 2022

Posted by William Westwood on

It's safe to say the 2022 Show and Shine went off with a bang. "Safe" not being the operative word.


There was a perfect storm of things that made it so special. Firstly, after a bit of a non-start to the summer, it didn't actually rain on the night so we were already off to a good start. Next, we've not had a Show 'n Shine for a few years thanks to the pandemic so there was some pent up energy to be spent. And lastly it was Canada Day the next day, so a lot of people had the day off, possibly tipping the scales for some to get extra loose.


Racers raced, bikes were shown and bikes were shined. Medals earned, sidecars smashed, fires sprung and swing bikes swung. All in all, a splendid time and by some miracle no one died.


Gypsy Phantom and Earth Woman did a killer job on the 1's and 2's, and span tunes deep into the night.

We'd like to say a huge thank you to the other sponsors, without whom, the Show and Shine wouldn't be possible. North Shore Billet set and marshalled the race course, as well as manufactured the medals. Whistler Cooks did an unreal job of feeding an enormous amount of people, all with smiles on their faces.

An extra special thanks goes out to Coast Mountain Brewing for not only providing a huge amount of beer (that got drained in record time), but also working hard on our limited edition collaboration beer, Dig For Victory. More to come on that soon...


Of course, the Show and Shine wouldn't be what it is without everyone taking part, so we extend a huge and heartfelt thank you to everyone showing up in droves. It's all of you who make this event (and Chromag in general) so special.

Ollie Jones, did a fantastic job with the video below and captured the vibe beautifully. Enjoy!

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